Special Meeting of the Membership

The BAS Board of Directors has called a Special General Meeting of the membership scheduled for Sunday, Oct 29th at 6:30pm at the Save Max Sports Centre (Community Room #1).

The Board proposes the following changes to our Bylaw to retain compliance with the new Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) including, but not limited to:

5) Membership
We propose to eliminate life members and honorary members because we have never used them.

6) Board of Directors
We propose to amend the Board so that there will be 5 directors: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Registrar.  Any other positions will be occupied by Officers.

14) Finance 
We propose to remove the audit requirement as it is not required due to our Club size. The membership may still request that this be completed through resolution at any AGM.

The meeting is expected to take 30 minutes as no further business is on the agenda.

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