How to Add a Coach

With most of your player registrations now completed, you may be wondering how to add a coach to your team (if applicable).

You are NOT required to have a coach/manager, but if you do, please follow the steps below so that they can remain at the team bench during games.  Otherwise, he/she is a spectator and cannot reside at or near the team bench, as per your published rules. If they are not on the gamesheet using the process below, the Referee and/or Convenors will direct them to sit on the spectator’s side of the field and the not on the team bench.

First, who ISN’T a coach:

  1. An injured player is NOT a coach.
  2. Your backup keeper is NOT a coach.
  3. The player who forgot his/her shirt at home is NOT a coach.
  4. A dismissed player (red card) is NOT a coach.
  5. A player who only plays the first half and then decides to watch the rest of the game is NOT a coach.

A coach/manager is a person who NEVER plays or NEVER plans on playing.  ALL others must be registered as players and have shirt #’s assigned in the system.

All teams may register 1 coach (this does NOT count as 1 of your 18 roster spots) as follows: 

  • A) Go to the website and login,
  • B) Click on your team in the standings or schedule,
  • C) Your Team Page will open up.  Click on + Manage Team at top right,
  • D) Click on the Team Administration tab in the horizontal menu,
add coach
  • E) When the page opens, enter the email address of your coach here and click Invite.
  • F) Whomever you’ve emailed will receive an Invite to join your team as a coach and once accepted, they will show up on your gamesheet as “Coach”.   NOTE:  they will have to register on the BAS site first (just like all others playing adult soccer in Brampton).  


  • i)  Can a team player also be registered as a coach?  NO
  • ii)  Can we have more than 1 coach?  NO
  • iii)  Can we change the coach?  YES, just let us know.

Join the discussion for "How to Add a Coach"

  1. October 16, 2023 @ 12:29 am
    We likes to added a coach
  2. October 16, 2023 @ 9:24 am
    Please follow the instructions in the article above to add a coach.

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