Rules and Their Interpretation

Complete sets of BAS rules for each program can be found here:
Rule Page

Below are a few that are often misunderstood, misinterpreted, or just altogether ignored.

1) Gamesheets:  

The Published Rule: “Computer generated (hard coded) gamesheets must be completed by both teams’ players and coaches and given to the referee before the start of play. If the referee has to wait for gamesheets to be completed, he/she has been instructed to shorten the match. Referees are prohibited from doing the match if no gamesheet is produced. Gamesheets may not be signed by anyone after the 2nd half has started.

The Interpretation: A referee will not start a match if there is no gamesheet and the team(s) without the sheet is/are subject to forfeit and any penalties and fines associated with that. Only 3 members of a team have access to a gamesheet; those being the two teams reps and the coach (if applicable).  So what if all three are absent?  Anyone of these three can access the gamesheet and then email it to any other player, who can print it out and bring it to the match.

2) Uniform Shirts:

The Published Rule: All players (excluding goalkeepers) must wear their official team shirt (ie. the one that the rest of the team is wearing) with a unique number. Numbers cannot be taped on. If a number is falling off or has fallen off, the referee has the discretion to allow the player to continue providing the player can still be identified. No shirt swapping or sharing. Goalkeepers may wear their own shirt as long as it clearly contrasts with both teams’ players’ shirts, the opposing goalkeeper’s shirt, and the referee’s shirt. Referees are not authorized to allow exceptions to these rules and will prohibit players from participating who are not properly attired. Players failing to abide by the uniform policy outlined above are ineligible.”

The Interpretation:  All players must have a matching shirt (one that is identical to the others on the team). This does NOT apply to shorts or socks.  This does not apply to sponsors on the shirt; they could be different.  This does not apply to shirt number font, size, or colour on the back of the shirt.  This does not apply to player names on the back of the shirt.  It DOES apply to EVERYTHING else about the shirt: stripes, colour, collars, borders, trim, sublimations, accents, etc.. This has been the rule at BAS for the 20+ years that adults have been playing soccer in Brampton and will remain the rule, meaning that players who do not have the identical shirt as defined above are not eligible to play.  So what if (1) a team has 2 new players and are unable to get the same shirt as everyone else? OR (2) there are 2 XXXL players on a team and they are unable to get those shirt sizes?  These are valid concerns, but understand that if we allow one team to contravene the rule and use a “slight variation” for their “very good reason” then to be fair, we have to allow it for everyone else and we are not prepared to do so.  Therefore, the only “fair” thing to do is to not allow it at all.  So then are the players in the examples above out-of-luck?  No, BAS is prepared to lend any team in a bind a set of shirts that satisfy all the rule requirements (YES, we have XXXL’s).  There is a deposit required to take advantage of these “loaner” shirts, but it is 100% refundable as long as we get all the shirts back when the team is done with them.  

3) Pinnies or Alternates:

The Published Rule: “No Pinnies or Alternates: Home Team failure to wear pinnies or alternates when there is a colour conflict will result in a forfeit and $50 fine.”

The Interpretation:  Every match has the shirt colour for the home team and away team shown right on the schedule.  This feature was added last year so that home teams (and the referee and convenor) could instantly identify when the home team would be required to wear alternates or pinnies.  Teams are advised to look at the schedule in advance and take steps now so that an alternate or a pinnie can be purchased in advance if required.  Without pinnies or alternates when needed, a team will forfeit and be fined as per the published rule.  A pinnie is a much cheaper option and a set of 12 can be purchased on Amazon for around $50 (search: “scrimmage training vests”).  Do NOT try to save a buck by buying the youth ones; they won’t fit.  And if purchasing elsewhere, pinnies should be the mesh kind so that natural shirt numbers can be seen through the pinnie.  BAS does not sell, supply, or loan pinnies.  Also worth noting: (a) the pinnies need to match; otherwise you are contravening Rule (2) above.  So a team cannot have 3 players with red pinnies and 3 with yellow and expect that to fly.  (b) a team with alternates (let’s say one set is red and the other is blue), should coordinate so that the numbers match (ie. the player wearing red #10 should also have blue #10) or they will need to adjust their gamesheet online every time the alternates are worn.

If further information is required, you are encouraged to reach out to BAS by contacting a member of our Board.

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