Players Not Appearing on Gamesheet

If a player who was previously listed on your gamesheet is no longer present, it will be due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • BAS has de-rostered or de-registered the player. In such cases, we will always send an email notification to the team representative to inform them.
  • If the player has not been de-rostered or de-registered, it is possible that they are suspended. Suspended players are removed from the gamesheet to prevent them from signing and becoming eligible to play. Typically, players are suspended for red card violations or unpaid fines. Suspended players will be listed separately at the bottom of your gamesheet, apart from other eligible players.
  • If the player is not suspended, it may be due to their shirt number being accidentally removed from your team portal by you or another individual with access. Remember, all players must have a unique shirt number to appear on the gamesheet. Failure to assign a shirt number will result in the player not appearing and being ineligible to play. You can easily verify shirt numbers in your portal, as shown here:
Missing shirt numbers are a common reason players do not appear on a gamesheet.
Missing Shirt Number
  • If the player does have a shirt number, it is possible that they have removed their photo or uploaded a new one that is awaiting approval or has been declined. Players usually do this because they are unhappy with their current photo, but all photos are reviewed by a human, so it is essential for players to upload photos well in advance of match day to ensure timely approval. Players without approved photos will not appear on the gamesheet making them ineligible. You can easily verify if all players have approved photos as those without will be indicated with a red icon beside their name, as shown here:
A player without a photo will not appear on your gamesheet.
Missing Photo

Regardless of the reason, the absence of players on your gamesheet is the responsibility of the team. Excuses such as “They were on there last week” will not suffice. We advise all team representatives to carefully review their gamesheet after printing to ensure that all eligible players are included. 

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