2022 Annual General Meeting

The BAS 2022 Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday, Feb 27th, 2022 at 3pm.

The meeting is virtual and all members are encouraged to attend.

Please email bramptonsoccer [a] aol.com to receive the link to attend.

The 2022 Annual General Meeting has now passed – you may contact BAS for meeting minutes if you’d wish to see them.

What is an Annual General Meeting (AGM)?

A non-profit Annual General Meeting (AGM) is similar to that of a for-profit organization, but with some key differences. Like for-profit companies, non-profits hold AGMs to bring together members, update them on the organization’s activities, and facilitate decision-making. However, since non-profits do not have shareholders, the participants in an AGM are typically members or stakeholders of the organization.

The primary objectives of a non-profit AGM include:

  1. Reviewing the past year’s activities: The AGM provides an opportunity to summarize the organization’s accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned over the past year.
  2. Presenting financial reports: Non-profits are required to maintain financial transparency. The AGM serves as a platform to present financial statements and reports, allowing members to understand the organization’s financial health.
  3. Electing the board of directors: In many non-profits, the AGM is where members elect or re-elect board members. The board of directors plays a crucial role in setting the organization’s strategic direction and overseeing its operations.
  4. Member participation: Non-profit AGMs often provide opportunities for members to engage in discussions, ask questions, and provide feedback on the organization’s direction.
  5. Approving changes to bylaws: If the non-profit wishes to amend its bylaws, such changes typically require approval from the members during an AGM.
  6. Planning for the future: The AGM can serve as a platform for setting goals and priorities for the upcoming year, ensuring that the organization remains focused on its mission and vision.

While the overall purpose and structure of a non-profit AGM are similar to that of a for-profit company, the primary focus is on member engagement, transparency, and democratic decision-making, as these are essential components of successful non-profit governance.

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