Match of the Week: Kicks ‘n Giggles vs. Striker FC

Kicks ‘n Giggles vs. Striker FC by Dylan Andrade

Under dark skies and with a calm breeze swirling through the field, Striker FC lived up to their name with a proficient display against Kicks ‘n Giggles FC who were, unfortunately, forced to play the entire match with only 8 players. The Brampton soccer match, which kicked off in gloomy conditions, quickly became difficult for Kicks ‘n Giggles as Striker FC unleashed a torrent of goals against Kicks’ 8 players.

The onslaught began early in the game with 3 of the 6 goals being scored in the first half of the match. Kicks ‘n Giggles struggled to find their rhythm while facing 3 extra players, and Striker FC capitalized on their numerical advantage until the whistle blew and the first half concluded.

The second half brought no respite for Kicks ‘n Giggles. Striker’s 4th marker came early into the half, clearly continuing the trend from the first half with the heavy attacking play. With the game firmly in their grasp, Striker FC continued to press scoring their 5th and 6th goals.

As the final whistle blew, the scoreboard reflected Striker FC’s dominance and numerical advantage in our Match Of The Week: Kicks ‘n Giggles vs. Striker FC, with a 6-0 victory with five different goal scorers.

Kicks 'n Giggles vs. Striker FC

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  1. July 11, 2024 @ 5:25 pm
    kicks n giggles played with 8 players lol thanks for mentioning that dylan 👍
  2. July 11, 2024 @ 5:42 pm
    Publishing this “ Kicks ‘n Giggles struggled to find their rhythm in the blustery conditions” and this “ The second half brought no respite for Kicks ‘n Giggles. “ OR this “ As the final whistle blew, the scoreboard reflected Striker FC’s dominance: a 6-0 victory “ is bullshit without true reason being Kicks ‘n Giggles had 8 players Vs 11 not even 11V11 we had 3 players less. Their is no excuse for not having our players come but if your gonna call that the match of the week then you don’t know soccer.
  3. July 11, 2024 @ 5:50 pm
    Really poor sportsmanship. “Struggled to find their rhythm” ? or fought through the adversities as a team playing 3 players short..
  4. July 12, 2024 @ 10:21 am
    BAS has been trying to profile different matches in the men's and women's league to give all the participants some credit and to further generate interest between teams. As a volunteer organization though, please understand that we don't have a team of roving reporters attending all of our matches. We don't look at all the games after they've been played and then pick a "Match Of The Week". Rather, we pre-determine, based on individuals' schedules, which match we can have someone attend and then we pre-designate that as our 'Match of The Week'. We had no way of knowing that your team was going to be missing players. We'll add some notes clarifying that Kicks n' Giggles played 3 players short but please understand that nothing in the article was intended to be critical of your team, and BAS sincerely apologizes for the confusion and any slight you felt was directed your way. The language used was meant to NOT come across as critical. From our perspective, at the time of writing, we felt it would have sounded more critical to point out that 14 players failed to attend. (Like our volunteers, we assumed that busy schedules and other commitments prevented people from attending.) The article will be edited to reflect your concerns.

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